What you will find on this page: ocean plastics campaign (videos); individual/household actions; change the way you think; Narmboolville on-line gameCSIRO Sustainable Futures schools; BOM teacher & student resources; NASA for educators & weathergirl gone rogue; NASA climate kids; Post Carbon Reader; economics & sustainability; UN CC Learning platform; Planetary boundaries and human opportunities” open for enrollmentexploring greater breadth of issues

Are you looking for material for class work?


popeye_plastic_poster_5623As there is a considerable range of resources on this site I offer the following quick link suggestions for teachers looking for specifics to enhance class work on climate change matters. I do however strongly suggest if you want to get the best value out of this site for future use that you take a moment to read through the site’s “manual” and check out the “Site Topics Index” for an overview of the topics covered. (Popeye comes from a poster used in campaign to stop discarded plastic St. Paul Island, Pribilof Islands, Alaska, USA – Kevin Schafer / WWF)

Are you looking for project material about plastic waste issue?

UN Environment launched #CleanSeas in February 2017, with the aim of engaging governments, the general public, civil society and the private sector in the fight against marine plastic litter. Learn more about “ocean plastic” here

Individual/Household Actions

As this site is not specifically set up for individual/household actions I offer the following external sites as a good place to start

From Plastic Pollution to Global Warming: Top Environmental Issues We’re Facing Today In spite of growing awareness about climate change and global warming, our planet still faces many environmental challenges today that require our attention and action. If ignored, many of these issues have the potential to drastically transform Earth’s ecosystems and threaten biodiversity. By educating ourselves on environmental threats and concerns, we can then take necessary steps to save, protect, and preserve our planet for future generations. Access the above link for details on a range of issues and How You Can help. 

ABC Carbon Cops series: This six-part series blends science and the environment in simple and practical terms offering up a step-by-step guide to tackling global warming. the presenters – Carbon Cops, Lish Fejer and Sean Fitzgerald, are scientists passionate about the environment, show how a variety of households can all make the necessary changes to reduce domestic carbon emissions. In these half hour episodes six families are followed who are led through a step-by-step process of how their current use of energy is creating an uncertain future, and that a few simple changes to their lifestyle can make a huge difference. You can access from this site the episodes; fact sheets; random “did you know” facts; how the families reduced their emissions, etc. Also there is a Carbon Cops Emissions Calculator to measure your own energy usage. 

World Wildlife Fund Australia site provides a range of actions to “Change the Way You Live” including: calculating your ecological footprint; sustainable shopping tips: travel, transport & sustainable living; saving water and reducing water usage; reducing energy; recycle, reuse, reduce; green building design; ethical & responsible investment.

The following video can also be downloaded from their site. 


Your Home – Australia’s Guide to Environmentally Sustainable Homes: An Australian Government site which contains details covering: before you begin; passive design; materials; energy; water; housing; case studies; and house design.

Green Homes Australia – A practical and realistic approach to green building. Did you know that building an efficient home should not cost more than building with a standard builder in your area? Green Homes Australia was founded in response to the lack of practical solutions available for one of the biggest problems faced by all households: in-home energy use. Design your own green home – free home design tool.

Try your hand at sustainable farming with Federation University’s on-line game Narmboolville


13 May 2015, An innovative game to explore the range of futures open to the pastoral industry within a carbon economy has been launched by Federation University Australia. The game, Narmboolville, is based on the Sovereign Hill property Narmbool, 15 km south east of Ballarat. It brings together environmental science, accounting and information technology and is the culmination of a two-year research project supported by the Williamson H.D. Trust and Sovereign Hill Museums Association. Click on graphic to open game website. Read More here


CSIRO’s Sustainable Futures is an educational program that combines the latest in climate science with education in sustainability. This program was formerly known as CarbonKids. The Sustainable Futures program is suitable for schools to use with students in years 3 – 9. Schools must register to be part of the program. Upon registration schools will receive a set of educational resources which offer a range of ideas and activities to support the teaching of sustainability and the environment in Australian schools.  Registered schools receive staff training to assist in implementing the Sustainable Futures program. Read More here 

Sustainable Futures provides integrated curriculum units for teaching about sustainablility and the environment, such as this soil investigation. Sustainable Futures:
  • encourages your students to develop skills in the process of inquiry, literature research, experimental investigation and critical thinking
  • facilitates collaborative learning
  • promotes a critical and an action based approach to problem solving
  • is teacher and student friendly
  • promotes collaboration between schools.

Sustainable Futures Professional Development Program

Registered schools receive staff training to assist in implementing the Sustainable Futures program. The professional development offered includes an introductory staff meeting. Registered schools are supported to:

  • gain an understanding of the Sustainable Futures program, its resources and how it is linked with the Australian Sustainable Schools Initiative (AuSSI) and Australian Curriculum
  • plan how to integrate teaching and learning about sustainability into their program
  • measure and manage their schools greenhouse gas emissions
  • increase sequestration activity in the school grounds
  • educate their local community about what it can do to actively promote and support actions toward a sustainable future for all
  • work collaboratively with other registered schools to design and implement projects aimed at promoting sustainability practices.

The workshops provide participants with opportunities to share ideas, experiences and expertise in an informal setting. For more details go here


Bureau of Meteorology: Student & Teachers Resources

The Bureau of Meteorology has many brochures which are useful for school projects. They may be downloaded directly from the internet or ordered as printed copies. For example:

  • Curriculum materials
  • Weather Kit
  • Electronic Weather Monitoring
  • Other links

Access resource page here


NASA – For Educators

NASA provides links to organisations they have reviewed for the best available student and educators resources related to global climate change, including NASA products. Access resource list here Even though there is an American focus, of course, I am sure you will find much excellent material that is just as relevant for Australian students. I thought this was excellent! Source: Weathergirl goes rogue


Also check out NASA’s Climate Kids site

An illustration featuring a landscape of planet earth, a mammoth, and apples.

NASA’s Climate Kids website brings the science of climate change and sustainability to life. Targeting upper-elementary-aged children, the site is full of interactive games, hands-on activities, and engaging articles that make climate science accessible and fun. With a special section for educators. A sample follows:


The Post Carbon Reader: Managing the 21st Century’s Sustainability Crises

How do population, water, energy, food, and climate issues impact one another? What can we do to address one problem without making the others worse? The Post Carbon Reader features essays by some of the world’s most provocative thinkers on the key issues shaping our new century, from renewable energy and urban agriculture to social justice and community resilience. This insightful, award-winning collection takes a hard-nosed look at the interconnected threats of our global sustainability quandary and presents some of the most promising responses. The Post Carbon Reader has proven to be a valuable resource for policymakers, college classrooms, and concerned citizens. To access various ways to download this free reader – go here. If you want to download individual chapters continue to the bottom of the link. 


Economics & Sustainability – Module Handbook / Course Outline

This module handbook is based on SOEE 2610: Economics and Sustainability, a second year module/course offered in the School of Earth and Environment at the University of Leeds. The module is designed as a one-semester (eleven week) introduction to ecological and environmental economics for students with little or no prior exposure to economics. The module uses Ecological Economics, by Herman Daly and Joshua Farley, as the primary text, but also incorporates a significant amount of material on steady-state economics from Enough Is Enough, by Rob Dietz and Dan O’Neill. The module was developed by Dan O’Neill, Olivia Rendon, Katy Roelich, and Marco Sakai at the University of Leeds. 

OVERVIEW: Every economic activity has environmental impacts, and yet achieving continual growth in the economy is a goal of nearly every nation in the world. This module provides both a macro and micro perspective on the relationship between the economy and environmental impacts, questioning the compatibility between economic growth and sustainability. Students will discover some of the basic concepts that underlie current economic theory, as well as the main ideas in ecological and environmental economics. Specific topics covered include: 1. Key concepts such as the relationship between the economy and the environment, the five types of capital, weak and strong sustainability, and the laws of thermodynamics 2. Microeconomic concepts including the basic market equation, supply and demand, market failure, discounting, the valuation of ecosystem services, and human behaviour 3. Macroeconomic concepts including economic and biophysical accounting, the nature of money, distribution, and limits to growth 4. Alternative models to conventional economics including degrowth and steady-state economics. Access module here


One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership

The One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership (UN CC:Learn) is a collaborative initiative involving 34 multilateral organizations which supports countries in designing and implementing country-driven, results-oriented and sustainable learning to address climate change. 

ILMcourseheaderOne of there initiatives is the development of a self-paced, free-of-charge online course that provides clear, concise and up-to-date information for anybody interested in acquiring essential knowledge about climate change. The course is based on six introductory learning modules, which take each an average of two to three hours to complete. There is also available resources for “Integrating Climate Change in Education at Primary and Secondary Level – Interactive Version” . Do you know how climate change can be integrated in school curricula? Or how to build a sustainable school campus? Find out about these and other issues through the UN CC:Learn learning interface on climate change education at primary and secondary level. If you are a newcomer to the area of climate change, start with the UN CC:Learn introductory e-course on climate change. If you already know the basics about climate change, explore the issue of climate change and education by clicking on the advanced learning topics below. You will be guided to the best available resources for each area.

“Planetary boundaries and human opportunities” open for enrollment

Sign up now for our popular online course on global sustainability. On Monday 14 September the second edition of the massive open online course (MOOC) on the state of the planet will be launched by the Stockholm Resilience Centre in partnership with the Sustainable Development Solutions Network Education Initiative (SDSN EDU). Enroll here The eight week course – Planetary Boundaries and Human Opportunities: The Quest for a Safe and Just Operating Space – features lectures from some of the world’s leading experts on global sustainability and resilience, such as Centre director Professor Johan Rockström. Becoming planetary stewards The course will be an essential introduction to how our planet is changing, the causes of change, and the risks and the solutions for long-term planetary stability as our population grows to 9 billion people within a few decades. Read More here

Explore greater breadth of climate change related issues connecting global to local by theme/page from this site

The following is a small selection of links to pages on this site that teachers may be interested in. They provide: further context; understanding of global issues and developments; the complexity and interconnection between science, economics, equity & social justice, ecosystem responses, our consumer lifestyle and individual responsibility. Many of these links are sourced from US, UK, and European sites as I have not found any equivalent in Australia. (If you do come across any good Ozzie resources please pass them on so I can include). However the understanding and information offered is readily transferable to the Australian context. What is not included below are the many articles which have their own links to further resources such as posts through “latest news”. I hope you find something useful in the following. The complete list of links can be accessed on the “SITE TOPICS INDEX” page

HOME PAGE:  confused? new Oz climate developing; World Economic Forum risks for 2016 (infograph); ongoing legacy of 2015; dangerous climate warming myth – reality; Australia in 2040fossil fuel interactive graphwhat is happening to our worldwant to be counted (access various petitions to sign on to – students may wish to send off their own joint letters)movement for change (video showing how leaders and followers create change); using the legal system for change;Carbon Footprint CalculatorCO2 widget to share

STEADY STATE ECONOMY: This page provides greater detail on an alternative economic system that does not depend on perpetual growth – Steady State Economy theory. downsides of growth (video); “enough is enough” (video)what is a “steady State economy”; myths & reality; myth: shopping our way out of climate change (video); access many links to other websites and resources on the same topic such as:  economic organisations promoting economic sustainability; Universal Basic Income

THE SCIENCE: This page provides the latest in climate change scienceclimate sensitivityNASA links (an amazing time laps video of accumulating global CO2); why do CO2 levels go up and down (video); why nights are getting warmer faster than daysglobal average temp not same everywhere;  current NOAA maps; latest NOAA report; NASA free data set; IPCC latest reports;“97% scientist agree” (video); James Hansen speaks out (video – why a scientist becomes an activist); Two degree “safe limit”; climate system lag time; IPCC background(IPCC is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change the leading international body for the assessment of climate change – the info here provides the basis to understanding the reports and process); IPCC latest findings 

IMPACTS OBSERVED & PROJECTED: The emphasis on this page is for impacts observed – what is happening now. there goes the neighbourhood (report); the heat marches on (report); over reliance on satellite data (video); impacts projected for Australia (this is an interactive map where you can also explore other world regions – mouse over map for it to change)El Nino/La Nina/ENSO explained (video);  NASA El Nino visual (video); climate zones on the move (a very simple explanation of what this means and the impacts on animals and trees); bushfire/wildfire (video); sea level rise (videos); Antarctica (video);  Arctic (video): sea ice decline (video; 

ALL THINGS CARBON & EMISSIONS: definitions and explanations of “carbon” terms and what they mean for climate change response; what is carbon neutral/offsetting (video);  are we permanently above 400ppm?; global carbon emission footprint (interqactive graph);  CO2 keeps rising emissions flat – why?; carbon capture and storage (video); carbon budgetatmospheric CO2 misconceptions; CO2 equivalent what is itGHG emission data; carbon map – who’s responsible; CO2 & CO2 – e measurement analysis;emission reduction not all what it seemscarbon concentration overshoot; climate system lag time; carbon pricing; carbon offsets; how carbon credits work – Narmboolville (interactive game); carbon capture & storage

BOM UPDATES: All Bureau of Meteorology updates regarding weather events in Australia –  Annual Climate Statement for 2015; climate zones on the move; Australia’s changing rainfall zones; BOM UPDATES: ENSO Wrap-up (El Nino/La Nina); climate outlook update (video); climate outlook – monthly & seasonal; latest drought statement; heatwave outlook; Water in Australia 2013-2014 Report; monthly water update; Australian landscape water balance; Special Climate Statements; Annual Climate Statement 2015 (video)

ANTARCTICA: Everything you need to know about Antarctica and how it is being affected by climate change –  dry & windy (video); growth of sea ice (video); volcanic chain underlies AntarcticaEast Antarctica glacier melting;West Antarctica glacier melting (video); ozone hole (yes, it is still there);  understanding the ozone layer (video); Montreal protocol; latest newsclimate science (video); to go or not to go?? (video);  Mawson’s Hut at Commonwealth Bay (video)

POPULATION AND CONSUMPTION:  LATEST NEWSplanetary boundaries; climate change a symptom – story of the violin; throwaway societyfresh water consumption crossing boundaryglobal footprint (video); Global Footprint Network (video); Earth Overshoot Day (video) Rockefeller-Lancet Commission planetary health report

PEOPLE STRESS: health & climate change (video); population data (interactive maps that highlight projections for a range of population issues – 5 tabs and 4 sub tabs to explore interesting to compare top map with second impacts map); displaced persons (major emerging issue – asylum seekers/Europe); born into danger (video);

FOOD & WATER ISSUES: WRI Challenge; UNEP summary; BOM water sites (good stat)Australia’s water challenge; understanding ENSO (video); agriculture; food & water crisis; localising food production (a growing response to food shortages)

EQUITY & SOCIAL JUSTICE: the system is broken; peace indices & data (access link to go to interactive map for range of stats); low income households (video)

ECOSYSTEM STRESS: we are the asteroid (video);  examples of ecosystem impacts

SECURITY & CONFLICT: Issues that are kept off the front page  cost of sanctioned violence (video); trends in military spending (good stats);  security & national interests (video)

COMMUNICATION: knowledge vs understanding (video – backward brain bicycle);  PLEASE stop talking about the environment (video); book excerpt – why we are wired to ignore climate change; book trailer (video); How to talk to a climate change denier (video);  ideas for digging our way out of this hole; Climate Access publication -The Preparation Frame; New Guide: Communicating effectively with the centre-right; human psychology and why don’t “they” get it?;  door-knocking on climate guidetalking to the right (video); election guide; engaging centre-right; religious leaders speak out; brightsiding;echo chambers;  latest news; latest opinion poll; key information & resource sites

VOCAL MINORITY: Understand how misinformation is being used to circumvent action;  publications; specific myth busting;  examples of misinformation (video)

GLOBAL ACTION/INACTION: This is the arena where the decisions are  made on how serious governments are in responding to climate change and what future our children will have to face. regional climate change and national responsibilities (video)  tracking climate action plans; other climate trackersunderstand international negotiations; two degree “safe limit”UNFCCC; UN climate talks; new climate agreement

AUSTRALIAN RESPONSE: Federal Government’s actions and policies National Greenhouse & Energy information; emissions reality check; Paris policy brief; Australia’s global pledge; KYOTO commitment; Safeguard MechanismEmissions Reduction Fund; first auction results; second auction results; Direct ActionRenewable Energy Target

FEDERAL GOVERNMENT – CHECKING THE FACTS: And this page outlines the dodging and weaving of our government to avoid any serious commitments at all. It outlines what is meant and behind mainstream media misinformation fossil fuels, subsidies and MP blockers; climate policy credibility assessment; fact checkers:emission reduction target, global demand for coal, Paris Agreement, emission levels up, solar report card; Infographic: the size of Australia’s government; Climate Change Authority: reviews and publications 

THE MITIGATION BATTLE: climate change is about power (video); history of fossil fuels (video); significant fossil fuel projects (stories link to video presentations by The Guardian); oil boom or bust (video); coal seam gas; fracking what is it (3 videos from 3 different perspectives); coal in Australia regional context (statistics)

FOSSIL FUEL REDUCTION: Power to the people (video); Unburnable Carbon (report); Stern Commission Review; Garnaut reports; live generation data (live data for power generation by state & type – changes every 5 minutes); divestment (community action high and growing in this area); how to run a divestment campaign guide; local council divestment guideCSG battle in Australia (2 videos outlining community concerns and action)

OTHER SOURCES OF GHG: understanding of other GHG’s and how they effect climate change and stats); main non-CO2 gases; global anthropogenic GHG emissions: global emissions by sector; methane budget: radiative forcing (video link); curbing non CO2 gases; Global Warming Potential table; actions to lessen non-CO2 gases

ADAPTATION & BUILDING RESILIENCE: risk assessmentmaps & graphs; resilient societies (video); new future ideas (video on transition ideas in this section); cost of adaptation (link to infograph)

DOWNSIZING PLAN B: outlines why the current system does not work and the need to do something different; trickle down does not workwhy isn’t it collapsing; new economicsconsumerism; how we got ourselves into this messthe story of stuff (video); degrowth to steady state economy; degrowth how to get therekey information & resource sites for changing the way we live – downsizing (video – Transition Movement)

CITIES RESPONDING: city planning needs to change (video – Paper City and Urban Story)local govt & climate policy; Australian cities committing to action; 100 Resilient Cities (video); US cities policy & program efforts (excellent links to actual city strategies implemented – are US cities but again lessons are transferable)

CITY BASICS FOR CHANGE: Saga City (excellent animated video of how cities can change); carbon management principles (even though this is relating to councils/businesses the same principles apply when households are wanting to be carbon neutral); greening urban environment; canopy cover; tree benefits; heat island effect; green roofs (video); localising food production; creative urban farminggetting people out of cars

NEW ENERGY SOURCES: graphic intro video of what our energy dependency looks like;   complexity of energy systems; future integrated energy systems (video depicting how future energy systems can look like); community taking the lead (video, info and links of Australian community actions for bringing renewable energy systems on line – most inspiring and forefront on on the ground action); Germany an example (video); global statistics (video); reality check; solar installation; wind generation (all good stats for renewables) 

If you are trying to track down specific information that you cannot find in the above please let me know through “Contact Us” and I will see what I can find.