27 June 2018, Climate Homes News, Leaked final government draft of UN 1.5C climate report – annotated. A draft summary of the most important climate science report of 2018, published here annotated with changes from the previous version. What is this document? This is the second draft of the summary for policymakers of the special report on 1.5C. It has been compiled by climate scientists from around the world. A draft, which was published by Climate Home News in February, was circulated to the scientific community for review earlier this year. The latest version, dated 4 June, has been sent to governments for comments on the ‘summary for policymakers’ (see below). The review runs until 29 July. What is a ‘summary for policymakers’? The full report, known as the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5C, will run to hundreds of pages of scientific data and findings. This is shortened set of conclusions and findings drawn from the larger report designed to provide information in a useable way for decision makers. Throughout the text you’ll see references to chapters in the larger report in curved brackets: eg. {2.3,2.5.3}. Read More here