24 January 2019, ABC News, Antarctica’s winners and losers: How climate change will reshape the frozen continent. The rate of melting in Antarctica has almost tripled in the past five years, according to recent data. As the ice sheets retreat and seas remain ice-free for more of the year, some animals will reap the benefits, while others will suffer as their food and habitat disappears. Now scientists have attempted to quantify which animals will be the winners and losers as the frozen continent thaws. In research published in Frontiers in Marine Science today, scientists calculate the effects of pH, salinity, food availability, glacial retreat, sea ice loss, human impact and increased UV and wind on Antarctic animals in the near term for climate-driven habitat changes. The researchers calculated the net-benefit/impact of changes for each species using a simple, non-weighted scoring system. For instance, where temperature was calculated to benefit an animal, that species received 1 point. If diminished food availability was predicted, that species lost a point. Read more here