21 November 2023, The Conversation: Denial is over. Climate change is happening. But why do we still act like it’s not? Climate-fuelled disaster is now front-page news, as record-breaking floods, fires, droughts and storms keep arriving. The damage done by climate change … Continue reading →
Monthly Archives: November 2023
16 November 2023, The Conversation: We’re burning too much fossil fuel to fix by planting trees – making ‘net zero’ emissions impossible with offsets. The idea that we can mitigate current carbon emissions by “offsetting” them with carbon reduction initiatives elsewhere … Continue reading →
10 November 2023, James Hansen et el: How We Know that Global Warming is Accelerating and that the Goal of the Paris Agreement is Dead. Delayed response of climate makes human-made climate change a grave threat, especially for young people. … Continue reading →
1 November 2023, The Conversation: Queensland’s fires are not easing at night. That’s a bad sign for the summer ahead. This week, dozens of fires have burned across Queensland. More homes have burned in the state than during the 2019–2020 Black … Continue reading →