25 January 2016, Renew Economy, Tasmania grid struggles with drought, bushfires, lost connection. Tasmania’s electricity grid is facing its biggest challenge in years, with its hydro storage about to fall to its lowest levels ever, bushfires forcing the closure of some power facilities, and a faulty cable cutting the connection between the island and the country’s main electricity grid. The Apple Isle’s main source of electricity – hydro power – is being challenged by its driest ever spring, pushing reserves down to just 18.9 per cent. The lowest level ever is 16.5 per cent, reached in 2007, but overall storage levels are predicted to fall to a low of 14 per cent by the end of March – if normal rainfall patterns resume. At current rates, however, some fear they may fall below those levels, although there has been some light rain in recent days. To make matters worse, the Basslink cable linking the island’s grid to the mainland has been cut by technical problems, and will probably remain closed for another two months, while the raging bushfires have threatened power lines and forced the temporary closure of at least four hydro plants. “These circumstances are extraordinary and unprecedented,” Premier Will Hodgman and energy minister Matthew Groom said in a joint statement late last week. “It will be tough, but we will get through it.” To address the issue, the government has had to bring its Tamar Valley gas power generator – scheduled for permanent closure last year – out of mothballs. That has provided 280MW of added capacity, but the government is now looking to bring another 105MW of gas and diesel power back into the system to hedge against further depletion of its hydro resources. Read More here
25 January 2016, The Guardian. Sea level rise from ocean warming underestimated, scientists say. Thermal expansion of the oceans as they warm is likely to be twice as large as previously thought, according to German researchers. The amount of sea level rise that comes from the oceans warming and expanding has been underestimated, and could be about twice as much as previously calculated, German researchers have said. The findings in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a peer-reviewed US journal, suggest that increasingly severe storm surges could be anticipated as a result. Sea level can mount due to two factors – melting ice and the thermal expansion of water as it warms. Until now, researchers have believed the oceans rose between 0.7 to 1mm per year due to thermal expansion. But a fresh look at the latest satellite data from 2002 to 2014 shows the seas are expanding about 1.4mm a year, said the study. “To date, we have underestimated how much the heat-related expansion of the water mass in the oceans contributes to a global rise in sea level,” said co-author Jurgen Kusche, a professor at the University of Bonn. The overall sea level rise rate is about 2.74mm per year, combining both thermal expansion and melting ice. Read More here